Zohodesk - Playstore Integration Setup Guide
PREREQUISITES – Before starting the setup
Login to your Zohodesk account
Goto Setup > General Settings > Departments
Create new Department if there is none.

Step - 1 (Account Setup)
- Install the extension with the required details.
- After installing, click authorize to connect the extension.
- In the connection field, Enter connect and save the detail
- Then go to preference tab which is located in extension setup and enter your credentials to sign up.
- After successful signup, Go to app widget in the ticket details page and setup your app
- Before logging in to your account, please verify your email from the registered email address

Step - 2 (Zohodesk Setup)
- Provide your Zohodesk Client ID & Client Secret.
- Register your application to complete Zohodesk Authentication. Click Add Client > Server-based Applications
- Provide Homepage URL as https://zohodesk-playstore.spritle.com/ and Authorized Redirect URI as https://zohodesk-playstore.spritle.com/zohodesk/authentication
- Copy the Client ID and Client Secret for Authentication
- Click Authenticate and then Accept to complete Zohodesk Authentication
- Enter the department name which you have created in zohodesk in Ticket Field Setup
- Click-> save to store the Ticket in a particular field

Step - 3 (Playstore Setup)
- Follow the instructions from the below link to get the JSON file https://developers.google.com/android-publisher/getting_started
- Create new service account
- While creating service account please select role as owner in Service account permissions
- Give a name and select the JSON format option after selecting 'Furnish private key'
- JSON file gets automatically downloaded. Use this JSON file in next step
- Now in Google play console, Under 'Service account' click GRANT ACCESS button and select the 'Administrator' option as shown in the image below
- Enter Playstore app name and package name
- Input google JSON file
- Click Add App
- Select star rating and Enable polling status to start fetching the playstore reviews

NOTE:The polling frequency is the time interval for fetching the reviews. Its set to 5 minutes by default. which means for every 5 minutes the app will fetch the new reviews created in your playstore app.